They are my weakness. Always have been. Chocolate chip cookies. I was pretty sure that hello Weight Watchers meant good-bye cookies. But it turns out, it's two ingredient dough to the rescue once again. These cookies come out warm and soft with a crunchy underside. Yum. Yum. And Yum. And at only one point each you can get to snacking without blowing your day!
1/2 cup self
rising flour
1/2 cup Fage fat-free Greek yogurt
1/2 cup Fage fat-free Greek yogurt
2 tbl mini Tollhouse semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 tsp Truvia cane sugar blend
2 tsp Truvia cane sugar blend
§ Preheat
oven to 350° F. Spray a cookie sheet with Pam.
yogurt and flour in a bowl.
§ Once well mixed, add Truvua cane sugar blend
dough is well mixed, sprinkle a little flour on a clean cutting board.
both of your hands.
§ Knead
the dough for a few minutes.
Form a
ball with the dough.
§ Divide the ball into seventeen balls.
your rolling pin. Roll out dough into a rectangle.
each ball on the pan and press each one down gently just a little.
§ Bake
for 15 - 20 minutes. Watch closely. Remove from oven when light brown.
§ Serve warm!
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